
Welcome to Anne and Brian's blog! We created this site in the hopes that people will be able to stay more fully informed about our busy lives, and the plans we have to graft them together. Check out the posts below. We'd love to hear your comments about anything we write, so please feel free to do so. In addition, most of the information about our wedding can be found in the links to the left of the page, so click on those as well. Enjoy!!

~Anne and Brian

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wedding Planning

With Anne's Mom as well as my parents in town, we spent the entire weekend doing wedding planning things. It was really fun, and actually quite productive. Of greatest note is that Anne bought her Wedding Dress! Unfortunately I don't get to see it. Well, not until October at least. I'm thinking it will be well worth the wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely worth the wait....the feathers and blue velvet will look lovely with your tux. Oooops....i suppose I shouldn't have shared that. Well there will be other surprises! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA