
Welcome to Anne and Brian's blog! We created this site in the hopes that people will be able to stay more fully informed about our busy lives, and the plans we have to graft them together. Check out the posts below. We'd love to hear your comments about anything we write, so please feel free to do so. In addition, most of the information about our wedding can be found in the links to the left of the page, so click on those as well. Enjoy!!

~Anne and Brian

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Half Marathoners

Last spring when Brian and I started a "Couch to 5K" running program with the Birmingham Track Club, I'm not sure I really believed I could finish a 5K, but last weekend we ran our first half marathon! After deciding to officially train in September, we put in many long hours on road, wore out 4 pairs of tennis shoes, and suffered through our fair share of aches and pains, but WE DID IT! We finished the Mercedes Half Marathon in Birmingham with a time of 2:21:01. It's time for a little break and some cross training, but we're definintely setting our sights on a repeat performance later this year.

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