
Welcome to Anne and Brian's blog! We created this site in the hopes that people will be able to stay more fully informed about our busy lives, and the plans we have to graft them together. Check out the posts below. We'd love to hear your comments about anything we write, so please feel free to do so. In addition, most of the information about our wedding can be found in the links to the left of the page, so click on those as well. Enjoy!!

~Anne and Brian

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lots of Parents in Town!

This weekend, Anne's Dad and Stepmom drove to Birmingham to visit us, so my parents drove up from Mobile to meet them and hang out with everyone. We both really enjoyed having everyone here for a while, and even though we didn't do anything too big in terms of wedding planning, it was great for everyone to get to chat for some time.

We did get the tuxes picked out, which was one of the major things that we had left to accomplish. While I'm still mostly in the dark about what Anne will be wearing, I do know that the gentlemen will be dressed to the nines......

Oh yeah, and it turns out that my Mom is a great bowler.....she beat us all hands down in two games on Saturday afternoon.


Unknown said...

Unfortunately I didn't get to see the tuxes or your mom bowling. I did hear that the bowling trip was a bunch of fun though, sorry I missed it. Maybe next time.

bflouke said...

It was great to meet Lenny (Anne's stepmom) and Mick (Anne's dad) the other day. They are really nice and Lenny was a good sport to endure two games of bowling. How Brian's mom beat everyone is still a mystery as she has NEVER bowled that well in her life. Granted the rest of us were pretty shabby. Hawkeyegirl you also missed the gumbo Brian's mom cooked for all of us. Did Brian share the leftovers?
Maybe next time.
Remember, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.